When state legislatures have slow moments, they enact some "feel good" legislation, such as official state waltzes or official state neckties. But only three states have state rock songs. Here are the three: (1) Ohio: "Hang on Sloopy" -- The McCoys:
Sloopy is wearing 'em loose. (2) Oklahoma: "Do You Realize" -- The Flaming Lips:
The difference between stereotypes and reality is often jarring: let's consider the case of Alabama. The stereotypes of the state are highly crude; depending on the venom it can include it being a place of dumb, backward, incestuous rednecks with a proclivity towards violence and a predilection for football. Alabama in real life isn't that way. The reality is that it's warm and partly rural; but mostly like the other states. There are areas within the state that look pretty much like those elsewhere. Especially shopping malls and residential areas. I have a theory of stereotyping: they are due partly to conveniently categorize places or people, to simplify things for minds that don't want to work too hard. But some stereotypes are also used to bemerde possible rivals. For example, Alabama has successfully attracted large-scale scientific and manufacturing activities. The spinoff from Redstone Arsenal greatly impacted the Huntsville area (where I'm working!). And car and airplane manufacturing has impacted several areas, notably Tuscaloosa and Mobile. Yes, having Airbus manufactured in Alabama can impact Boeing in Washington state. And if a car plant opens in Limestone County, Alabama, it isn't being opened in Butthole County, Massachuetts! There's only so many planes or types of cars that are really needed in any given year. And I wouldn't mind our people getting a piece of the pie. Promoting those stereotypes can be an attempt to handicap the opposition. (Alabama, in this case.) Some people might deliberately do this. So, financial writer for the Seattle newspaper, go piss a rope! Big Bad Alabama is going to eat some of your pie, with a side order of grits!
It's one of the hassles of American life: so many people are not willing to leave the fuck alone when it comes to religion, politics, diet, or even sports teams. Several years ago, Kathy, a friend of mine, posted this opinion regarding religion. I think she said it well; and I wish people would follow suit on politics and other matters as well. I'm an Auburn fan; not an Alabama one. And, dammit, don't put kale on my pizza or in a smoothie even despite its alleged health-giving prospects. And I'm okay with gluten. And I guess I'm a RINO Republican. I don't play with that Roy Moore shit. Is it un-American to leave people alone? Do you get salvation points for converting others? Think about it. Diversity can be healthy. And we need both political parties; and others that come along. Because whatever party gets in power too long tends to make collective asses out of themselves. Yes, religious types: I'm a firm believer in The Fall: The natural tendency of human beings to fuck it up if they have too much rope.